4. Why Celebrate Earth Day?
Everyday more and more pollutants pour into our water, air, and land. Lakes, rivers, and coastal shores are becoming dangerous and harmful. It is up to us to recognize these problems and figure out how to solve them. Having a day to create this awareness is why we celebrate Earth Day.
Everyone can celebrate Earth Day. Millions of Americans participated in the first Earth Day in 1970. In 2010, over 170 countries participated in the celebration of Earth Day.
Since the celebration on the very first Earth Day over forty-years age years ago, the condition and health of the Earth’s environment has become a part of the debate in Congress, elections, and the national conscious. After 1970, laws like the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts were passed by the U.S. Congress.
- Write an Earth Day Acrostic Poem
An acrostic poem involves using a single word to not only unify the poem in meaning, but also spell the word vertically in the poem using the first letter in each line.For example:
E ach person
A ssisting
R educing, reusing, recycling
T ogether
H elps heal our planet.
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Bring items from home or show pictures of things that can either be reduced, reused, or recycled. Make a game out of it for the students. See if they can sort the items into bins for trash, recyclables, and reusables.
- Earth Day Songs
- The 3 R’s by Jack Johnson
- The Elephant Song by Eric Herman
- He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands (leave out the religious stuff if you want)
- Down By the Bay by Raffi
- Garden Song by John Denver
- Walk Lightly On the Earth by Pam Donkin
10. Where Can I Find Out More About Earth Day?
Thanks for the great ideas 🙂
thanks for all the cool facts about earth day 🙂