I’ve been collecting or saving the bags from our cereal for months now. I have a nice stash of these thick pieces of plastic and my husband keeps asking what I’m going to do with them, (in other words, why do we have to keep them?). I originally wanted to make reusable sandwich wraps with them. You need to use food grade plastic and the whole idea behind recycling is to not buy new things when you can reuse, so why by Ziploc bags? However, I can never seem to make the time to sew up the plastic when I can’t figure out how we’re going to keep the things nice and reusable.

Today I realized these cereal bags have another great use… art project protectors. Usually we lay down another piece of paper or plastic bags or even newspaper to protect our work surfaces from messy projects. If you cut off the bottom and then cut down one side of the cereal bag, it’s just the right size to fit under an 8 1/2″ x 11″ piece of paper. Perfect for our project time! These cereal bags make the perfect paint palette as well. When painting, we often use paper plates so there’s enough room to mix colors or use our whole hand for finger painting.

The best part is, the plastic is thick enough, when we’re finished with the project, we can simply wash the plastic off and store it for another day.