Here’s a fun pumpkin themed game you can make at home and play with your preschooler just about anywhere. Pumpkin Match is similar to the traditional memory game. Have your preschooler help create the game pieces and then have fun playing with friends. A great game for Halloween party fun too.
Play the Pumpkin Matching Game
You will need:
- Paper – either orange construction paper or white paper colored orange
- Crayons
- Scissors
Make the game:
- Download the free pumpkin game shape template
- cut out 16 pumpkins, all the same size and shape
- with the crayons, draw a face on each pumpkin. Make a match for each jack-o-lantern face so you will have a total of 8 matching sets. Your preschooler can help you color and draw on each pumpkin, just make sure you end up with pairs that are similar enough to match for the game.
Download the free pumpkin game shape template

Play the pumpkin matching game:
- place each card face down on a table
- take turns flipping over two cards at a time
- if the two cards match, the player removed the cards from the play space and takes another turn
- The player with the most matching pairs wins.
- For younger kids do not allow additional turns when a set is matched.