Get yourself some fuzzy pipe cleaners, googley eyes and imagination and your preschool can make a pile of fuzzy monsters. You can make all kinds of creatures with just these few simple supplies. Add in some glue to adhere the eyes and extra pieces and your preschooler can have all kinds of fun creating.

To make a simple monster, start by making a circle with a fuzzy pipe cleaner. Use the jumbo sized pipe cleaner for a bigger circle. The glue on eyes, funny hands or feet and you’ll have yourself a furry creature. For more advanced monster ideas, check out my Jumbo Fuzzy Monster kit review, the kit provided by Both of my kids created their own monsters (and I did too). There were enough supplies for at least 5 kids to make something fun.
I love these kinds of projects because there is no right nor wrong way to create your own monster. Your preschooler can truly explore their own ideas and make whatever they’d like. I’d love to hear if you make your own fuzzy monsters!
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