We love Eric Carle books, and now Kohls is featuring a selection of his books as part of the Kohls Cares program. Each book or associate plush toy is only $5 and the proceeds goes to help kids health and education initiatives.
The books included in this program are: “Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do you See”, “The Very Busy Spider”, “Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too?”, and “10 Little Rubber Ducks”. Each book has a coordinating plush toy that you buy separately. We love these book collections. The kids love the stories and the plush is a fun addition for your preschooler as they act out the story while you read along.

Check out the Kohls Cares program
to find out more and order your own books.
KohlS Cares Eric Carle Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother Too
KohlS Cares Bill Martin Jr. And Eric Carle Brown Bear, Brown Bear
KohlS Cares Eric Carle The Very Busy Spider Collection
KohlS Cares Eric Carle 10 Little Rubber Ducks Collection