Once again here is some play with your food fun. Grab some of the yummy fruit that is in season, some popsicle sticks and start making fruit kabobs. Preschoolers will have fun with hands on creation while they make their own delicious snacks. They can explore different textures and density. Which fruit slides on to the stick easily and which is a bit more tough? There’s also a little flavor exploration in this activity. If you put a melon next to a banana, you’ll end up with the flavors mixing a bit, how does it taste?

What you need to make fruit kabobs
- Fruit cut into large chunks or thick slices
- Popsicle sticks

When you start with this activity, begin by demonstrating first with child. Make a fruit kabob yourself and show your preschooler how to poke the stick into the fruit. A couple hints, strawberries work best between other more dense fruit while melons make really great end pieces. Berries such as blackberries or raspberries like to fall off, but we just decided to eat them faster.
If you like making fruit kabobs, try making frozen grape pops too!