Making slime with kids of any age is a fun adventure, however with preschoolers, slime is extra fun and full of wonder. The kids enjoy mixing and watching ingredients dissolve with ever new slime recipe they try. They are amazed at the transformation of liquid to solid and many of them love play with the texture. We played with different variations of this slime recipe and found each version to be easy enough for little hands. This preschool science activity is one of our all time favorites!

How make slime – glue and borax recipe
The best part about making slime, it’s science preschoolers will love. You can color your slime whatever color you’d like. We ended up making 4 different batches, experimenting with various additives and quantities, so in the end, our mixed slime looked pretty gross!
If you don’t want to make your own slime, you can always get a Slime Kit.
- 1/2 cup school glue
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 tsp borax
- 1 cup water

- Mix 1/2 glue (about one bottle school glue) with 1/2 cup water. Mix well.
- Dissolve 1 tsp borax in 1 cup water. Slowly stir borax solution into glue solution. The more borax solution you add, the stiffer the slime will become.
How to make slime – glue and Tide laundry detergent recipe
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/2 cup school glue
- 1/4 cup liquid Tide laundry detergent
- Combine water and school glue, mix well. Slowly stir in Tide until slime forms

Detergent and Borax Free Slime
- 1/2 cup school glue
- 1/2 tbsp of baking soda
- 1 tbsp of contact lens solution
- Mix the glue and baking soda in a bowl then add the contact solution until the mixture begins to thicken.
Making slime tips
- Always add the borax or laundry detergent to the glue solution to allow for more control over the consistency of the slime.
- If you’d like to add color or extras to your slime such as fragrance or glow liquids, make sure to add these extras to the glue solution before adding the laundry detergent.
- These ingredients are non-toxic, however should not be eaten and should be handled with adult supervision and all utensils washed thoroughly.

More slime recipes
- Glow in the dark slime made by Amy at The Idea Room
- Lots of how to make slime videos are available on YouTube
- A whole pile of slime recipes are available from
You can also get ready to make Slime kits, check these out.
Making slime can be another fun way to explore colors and textures. Try mixing in different colors. What about combining different batches of slime. What happens when you add different extras to your slime mixture? What fun Slime recipe can you make?
Buy Slime supplies or slime kits:
i dont like it cuz i dont have borax and i cant make it. is there another way i can make it without borax and cornstartch?
Noah, You can make slime using standard school glue and Tide liquid detergent. I haven’t tried using any other liquid clothing soap, but you could try it and see if it works.